The timeless elegance of stainless steel

In the world of cooking, stainless steel is the undisputed king. Why?

Today’s kitchens are built with a variety of materials, but steel always maintains its prominence. Why? There are several reasons:

  • Loved by culinary professionals: Stainless steel is praised by professional chefs for its durability and resistance.
  • Ideal for customization: It’s perfect for making custom pieces and integrating elements into the countertop, such as the cooktop or sink.
  • Durable and incorruptible: It ensures a long lifespan and is resistant to corrosion, high temperatures, and humidity.
  • Hygienic: Non-porous, preventing microbes from surviving. Additionally, it’s easy to clean and maintain, avoiding the use of bleach or ammonia-based products to maintain its shine.
  • Sustainable: It can be recycled and reused without losing any of its properties.
  • Neutral in taste: It doesn’t alter the taste of food, unlike other metals.

Its functionality goes hand in hand with its aesthetic appeal, adding a touch of modernity to any space. It can even create an interesting contrast in rustic environments.

Moreover, it’s cost-effective in terms of durability and efficiency. What more could you ask for?

More information on our website

Stainless steel | Maintenance, use and cleaning

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